TOPIK Preparation


Run Time


Num of sessions


Mock test


Upon completion of each level

What is TOPIK?

TOPIK is a test conducted to measure the Korean language ability of overseas Koreans and foreigners who do not speak Korean as their first language and to suggest directions for learning Korean.

JKC TOPIK Preparation course

This program is for students preparing for the TOPIK, an authorized Korean language proficiency test, conducted by the National Institute of International Education. Our experienced TOPIK instructors provide systematic lectures that can guarantee our students a passing rate.

Korean company employment

TOPIK results can be used when the learner wants to study in Korean universities and/or find employment in Korean companies.

Our academy’s TOPIK REVIEW CLASS is divided into TOPIK1 and TOPIK2, and students may apply according to the test grade that they are aiming for. Our academy will do its best to help students get a target scores by deploying instructors with a lot of expertise and experience in TOPIK.

Quiz created by instructors

Our academy’s TOPIK REVIEW CLASS uses handouts made by our instructors themselves.
  • Each Class(TOPIK1, TOPIK2) is comprised of 7sessions + Mock test.
  • Please check our bulletin board of this homepage for the Test schedule.
  • If you want a one-on-one class, please contact our academy staff.